The Veld is a land of gods. Wherever the attention and devotion of enough minds turns to powerful leaders, fearsome creatures, or benevolent spirits, gods will form.
Sometimes, very, very small souls call gods into being. In algae mats, under dusty beds, or fertile soil where there's more microscopic life per inch than there is humans on the planet, Very Small Gods form. To the beings who created them, they are a titans of unfathomable size and power, nearly 3 feet tall at the largest. Their minds are inscrutably alien. Their biology defies comfortable classification. To them, macro-organisms are like wandering nations, a continent of body lice, skin mites, and gut fauna. Millions of worshipers, if only their home would stop all that wandering around.
God of Very Small Things
HP: 4d8
AC: 15 (or as chain)
Move: Fly 20'
Morale: 14 (A GoVST will always fall back at half health and let its angelplankton take over)
Small gods are always accompanied by [1d6] Angelplankton.
Small gods have the following abilities.
Calcify: R: 50' T: creature D: 0
Save negates. Accelerates calcium production in target creature. For creatures with a calcified shell (like angelplankton) this heals [1d6] hp. For anything with a skeleton, this causes painful bone-spurs that deal [1d6] damage everytime target moves more than 5 feet/round for the next [1d4] rounds.
Dust Banquet:
30 foot area centered on Small God is filled with choking, blinding dust. Creatures within cloud save or become blinded until they can spend at least one round rubbing dust out of their eyes.
Scumaturgy: Up to 20 square feet of material is covered in slick, vibrant algae bloom. Save or be knocked prone. Algae rapidly and audibly releases oxygen, and after [1d4] rounds any open flame larger than a candle within 10 feet deals [1d6] fire damage adjacent creatures.
Gods of very small things will resemble the creatures whose worship created them. For example, the god of tidepool scum will resemble brine shrimp or fish larvae.Or, use this table for ideas.
- Fat white dust mite the size of a hog
- Spongy water bear with diamond-hard claws.
- Paper-thin louse with dozens of limbs. Tumbles around like a leaf.
- 6 foot chain of staphylococcus bacteria, dozens of yellow, fist sized velvety orbs.
- Snake sized nematode, see-through body nearly invisible at a distance.
- Rotifer with noisy, churning mouth-parts. Organ movement visible beneath clear exoskeleton.
- A watery amoeba pulling itself around on thick pseudopods.
- Brine shrimp, ambulates like an ape on strange crustacean appendages.
- A rotating, tumbling nightmare made up of hyper-magnified insect appendages. All thick hairs and oily plates of exoskeleton.
- Dead god. The fossilized dreams of the ancient creatures whose bodies formed chalk. An empty shell and distant ocean sounds.
HP: 2d8
AC: 12 (as leather)
Move: Fly 15'
Morale: N/A (Angelplankton obey and defend their god without self-preservation)
Attack: 1d6 slash. On a crit they leave shards inside their target which deal 1 damage every round until removed.
Gods attract angels, small gods are no different. Angelplankton resemble delicate radiolarians and geometric algae, bone white calcium snowflakes as sharp as glass and strong as stone. An intact Angelplankton body sells for upwards of 50 GP to certain monasteries for their use in religious ritual.
A few relics of the Gods of Very Small Things
- Seamonkey Cathedral: Apple-sized brick of stone, riddled with tiny holes and passages. When submerged underwater, brine shrimp congregation re-hydrates. If allowed to worship over the course of an hour heal 1d4+2 hp to nearby creatures. Hp total split evenly between creatures within 15 feet. Sounds faintly of gospel choirs and organ music when in use.
- Diatom Oraphim: Dinner-plate sized diatom. Glows as bright as a candle and hovers slowly after owner. Can carry up to 10 pounds of material. Dehydrates and hibernates if water and sunlight is not supplied at least once per day.
- Radiolaria Thurible: Angelplankton shell hollowed out and filled with hyper-magnified pollen dust. Wards away disease and smoke within a 20 square foot area. Lasts for a cumulative 3 hours. Smells faintly of almonds and ozone.
- Reliquary of Saint Tardigrand. Coin sized reliquary carved from a single pearl. Contains the corpse of Tardigrand, patron saint of moss. As long as you carry the Reliquary clasped tightly between your hands, foliage will not hinder your movement.